Alright, put soup on, make some tea, and catch up on Game of Thrones! Awesome!
A little too small for us to both be chefs, so there will be a lot of taking turns.
Second nigh camping we pulled into a different spot for a bit.
Too bad the plastic bags are in the way, but hey, gotta put 'em somewhere!
Can't really see it, but on the left, above the counter Mark has built a shelf for teas, honey, cans of soup, a couple of toilet rolls, and whatever else we need it for. It's perfect!
My man building a fire on our beach.
Some red wine, dark chocolate, mixed nuts, and a fire? Yeah, that sounds pretty okay to me!
It really got going a little later! Then a man walked down to talk to us, shared that he wanted to go into the water, then proceeded to strip down to nothing and get in! haha! I do believe he was drunk.
Sooo cool! Soooo happy for you two!