Here we go...
Hello Antony!
Mark made me...
You know...this had absolutely zero info near it, so I have no clue...But it looks cool!
In the courtyard.
In the courtyard.
Sir Alexander Carew (grandson of Richard Carew pictured below) was a supporter of Cromwell, one of the signatories of King Charles I's death warrent. And that, my friends, is why Charles I is hanging out over the fireplace there...
Richard Carew 1586
This picture was especially painted for one of the family members, inspired by a poem he loved. Unfortunately I cannot remember the name of the Poem.
Mark and I were so impressed with the painter of this man... It looks as if you could touch it and feel the man's velvet garments. Crazy.
A bit of tapestry from the tapestry room...Looks as if they're having fun, yeah?
The Library
Mark and I were outside the house admiring a cone fountain sculpture when a man walked up to us and excitedly asked, "do you like the sculpture?!" When we responded with as much enthusiasm, he went on to tell us about it and finally introduced himself as Sir Richard, resident of Antony house. Pretty cool. First Sir Mark and I have ever met. We later ran into Sir Richard and his wife, Lady Mary, in the woodland gardens on their way back from doing gardening. Really nice guys! This would be a painting of sir Richard, probably done not so long ago.
Little Sir Richard
Looking out at the sculpture we met Sir Richard at. See how it mirrors the cone tree from the garden?
So simple, but I like. It's the water running over the surface that really makes it though. Just gotta touch it!
Walking out from the back of the house, looking out toward water, the woodland gardens, and the most awesome tree ever!
How could you not love it?! A kids dream as an adult actually. However, it's over 200 years old, so no climbing allowed.
Not exactly climbing...
Why else would these trees have been situated this way?
Mark checking out a standing stone, before our walk through the woodland garden...
Really interesting tree! Looked like copper...
The largest Gunneras we've ever seen!
Swallowed up this 6'2" of a man. Crazy!
Awesome green man.
Beautiful views everywhere!
Goodbye comes eventually...
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